What Is The Secret Sauce To Stay Focused and Improved Concentration?

You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.

Sweety S
Justly Blog


Image By Justly

Do you ever find yourself starting a task, only to be quickly distracted by something else?

Whether it’s the ping of a new email or the temptation to scroll through social media, it’s easy to lose focus in today’s digital age. However, staying focused is crucial for achieving success in both our personal and professional lives.

In this blog, we’ll explore the secret to staying focused and share tips and techniques for improved concentration.

Understanding the Science of Focus

Before we dive into the tips, let’s first take a look at how our brains work when it comes to attention.

The brain has two types of attention: involuntary and voluntary.

Involuntary attention is instinctive and reactive, such as noticing a loud noise or sudden movement.

Voluntary attention, on the other hand, is more deliberate and under our control. This is the type of attention we use when we focus on a task for an extended period of time.

The Secret to Staying Focused

The benefits of working with digital technologies and tools are manifold, You can work from anywhere in the world, and you save time, effort, and lots of paper. You will always have your important documents with you and don’t have to dig in huge piles of paper to find anything.

The flexibility is immense, but so are the challenges for productive working with digital technologies.

Before you can work on improving your mental focus, it’s important to assess where you currently stand.

Take a moment to reflect on the following statements:

  • You find it easy to stay alert
  • You set goals and break tasks up into smaller parts
  • You take short breaks, then get back to work

If these statements sound familiar to you, then you likely already have a good level of mental focus. However, there’s always room for improvement. On the other hand, if you identify more with the following statements:

  • You daydream regularly
  • You can’t tune out distractions
  • You lose track of your progress

It’s clear that you could benefit from some work on your mental focus. But don’t worry, there are plenty of strategies you can use to boost your concentration.

Entering the stage: Distraction

One of the biggest obstacles to good mental focus is distractions.

It can be hard to stay focused on a task when you’re constantly being pulled away by external or internal distractions. To minimize these distractions, try to find a calm, quiet location where you can work undisturbed. This might be a private room in your home, a library, or a quiet coffee shop.

Additionally, consider using positive thoughts and imagery to combat anxiety and worry, which can also be a major source of distraction.

So, what are some common distractions that prevent us from achieving a flow state?

Here are a few examples:

Emails and notifications: Every time our phone pings with a new email or notification, it’s tempting to check it right away. However, this constant interruption can prevent us from focusing on the task at hand.

Social media: It’s easy to get lost in the endless scroll of social media. Before we knew it, we’d spent an hour on Instagram instead of working on our project.

Multitasking: Another common problem is multitasking. While it may seem like a good way to get a lot done quickly, in reality, people aren’t very good at multitasking and it can greatly reduce productivity.

Instead of trying to juggle multiple tasks at once, try to give your full attention to one thing at a time. Think of your attention as a spotlight. If you focus on one area, you’ll be able to see things much more clearly.

Tips for Improving Concentration

Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash

Now that we’ve identified some common distractions, let’s discuss some tips and techniques for improving concentration:

Minimize distractions: This may seem obvious, but it’s important to create a work environment that’s free of distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone and close any unnecessary tabs on your computer.

Use the Pomodoro technique: This time management method involves working for a set amount of time (usually 25 minutes) and then taking a short break. Repeat this cycle several times to stay focused and avoid burnout.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation has been shown to improve focus and reduce stress. Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and clear your mind.

Stay organized: Create a to-do list or schedule for your tasks to stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Keep Practicing

Building your mental focus is not something that will happen overnight.

Even professional athletes require plenty of time and practice in order to strengthen their concentration skills. But with time and effort, you can learn to focus your mind and get more done in less time.

One way to make the most of your practice time is to set small, achievable goals for yourself. For example,

You might start by trying to focus for just five minutes at a time, and then gradually increase that time as you become more comfortable with the process.

Another important aspect of building your mental focus is to be patient with yourself. You will undoubtedly encounter setbacks and moments of frustration along the way, but if you persist and stay committed to the process, you will eventually see real progress.


In conclusion, having a good mental focus is essential for productivity, decision-making, and overall well-being.

It’s a skill that can be developed with practice, so make sure to

  • Assess your current level of focus,
  • Eliminate distractions,
  • Set small achievable goals,
  • Practice mindfulness,
  • Take short breaks, and
  • Keep practicing

With time and effort, you will be able to improve your mental focus and achieve more in your life. Whether we’re at work, school, or pursuing personal goals, maintaining focus is key to achieving success.

If you’re looking for a tool to help you stay focused and develop positive habits, check out Justly.

This app provides personalized recommendations for daily habits and routines based on your goals and interests. With Justly, you can track your progress, stay motivated, and achieve your goals one step at a time.

Try it out today and see how it can help you stay focused and reach your full potential.

