Why work-life balance is important and How to manage it?

“In the quest for balance, prioritize your well-being without guilt.”

Sweety S
Justly Blog


Image By Justly

Most people would love to find both relaxed joy at home and exciting success at work, but with all of life’s demands, it can be tough to juggle everything.

You need to begin by acknowledging that you’re going to be a much happier leader in your business — and much more effective — if you take care of yourself.

Many people talk about “work-life balance”, but it may be better to think of it as “work-life harmony”.

In music, the instruments typically all play at the same time. Periodically one instrument or section comes to the forefront with the melody, while the other instruments recede the background a bit, but continue playing.

This may be a better analogy than imagining yourself trying to “balance” on a seesaw!

Here are some tips to help you achieve work-life harmony.

Make a schedule and stick to it

Plan the time you need to get your work done, and plan time for relaxation and being with family and friends. Don’t apologize for sticking diligently to your schedule.

This is especially important if you are working from home. Make sure that people around you know when you’re available for socializing, so they don’t disturb your focus and concentration.

If people at home talk too much about social issues or other things that distract you when you’re trying to concentrate on work tasks, ask them gently but firmly to respect your schedule and not distract you while you’re trying to work.

On the other hand, sometimes family and friends don’t know when to stop talking about work. Tell them you need a break from it, especially at home. Ask people not to contact you about work issues when you’re “off duty.”

You don’t need to be available to everyone all the time. It’s important to learn how to say no so you can focus on your own goals.

Sticking to a work time/home time schedule helps prevent distractions and gives you the freedom to relax when at home while being productive during work hours.

Set boundaries with your family and friends

If you are working from home, try to set aside a space that is only for work. If possible, make it an area separate from your living space so you can associate going there with getting into business mode.

To help you create a “work mindset” as separate from an “at home mindset”, consider “walking to work”, even if it’s just walking around the block!

If you have children, try not to bring work home with you, or if you work at home, keep it in a separate space, both physically, and on your calendar. Spend quality time with your kids when you’re off from work and have fun!

Sometimes children take advantage of their parents if they think those parents are always there for them.

Set boundaries for them too so you can get some uninterrupted time with your partner or alone by yourself to recharge and rejuvenate. You’ll be more mentally available for everyone!

Take time for yourself each day

It’s important to have some “me time” every day, even if it’s just for half an hour. During this time, do something you enjoy that has nothing to do with work or family obligations.

This can be something as simple as reading a book, taking a walk, listening to music, or spending time in nature.

Make sure to schedule this time into your day — even if it means getting up earlier in the morning — and protect it like you would any other appointment.

If someone asks you to do something during that time, tell them you have other plans. This is important self-care that will help keep both your personal life and professional life in harmony.

It’s also a good idea to take breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just ten or fifteen minutes. If your schedule allows for a lunch break, use this time to get out of the office and take a walk.

This will help you decompress in the middle of the day so that by the end of it, you’ll be ready to relax at home without carrying any stress from work into your personal life.

If you can’t get away for a full lunch break, try to take ten or fifteen minutes to step away from your work and relax your mind. Maybe do some deep breathing exercises or drink some tea. This will help refresh you so you can continue working productively.

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. These are all essential for feeling your best both mentally and physically.

Delegate tasks whenever possible

It’s hard to do everything yourself. If you’re trying, you’re probably not doing any one thing very well. Try to delegate tasks whenever possible so you can focus on the ones only you can do.

If your business is small enough, it might be worth hiring an assistant or virtual assistant for administrative work like answering emails and scheduling appointments.

If you have children, ask family and friends for help with childcare. There’s no shame in admitting that you can’t do it all on your own, and chances are someone is more than happy to help out.

In general, try not to be a “Superman/woman”. No one can do everything perfectly, so identify your strengths and weaknesses and delegate accordingly.

For some people, it’s hard NOT to do everything yourself, but if you want success at work and joy at home, you need to learn how to delegate tasks whenever possible. This will help with stress management as well as productivity.

You’ll find that when you don’t have anything left on your “to-do” list at the end of each day, it’s easier to relax and enjoy time with family or friends because you know there won’t be any unfinished business looming over your head.

It can also help free up more hours in the week, so you have more time for fun activities like going out on a date night with your partner or taking a weekend trip.

When you’re able to delegate tasks, it makes life easier and allows you more time for things that bring you joy.

Stay organized

It’s hard to find harmony if you’re constantly losing track of things at work or feeling overwhelmed by all your responsibilities. One way to combat this is by staying organized and planning ahead as much as possible.

Invest in a planner (or use whatever works best for you) that helps keep track of deadlines, appointments, and other important dates.

Create a to-do list every day and try to stick to it as best you can. This will help keep you on track and feeling in control.

If possible, try to batch similar tasks together so you’re not switching gears all the time.

For example, if you’re a graphic designer, try working on logo designs one day and social media posts the next.

The more organized you are, the less overwhelmed or stressed out you’ll feel. This will lead to better results at work and greater happiness overall.

The key to business success is making high-quality connections with a variety of high-achieving, inclusive, diverse thinkers and action-takers.

Avoid overcommitting yourself

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. You might think you have more time than you actually do, or that certain things are urgent when they’re not really necessary at all.

But if your calendar is booked solid with back-to-back meetings from morning until night and then some, it’s easy to feel stressed out and overwhelmed.

Try to avoid overcommitting yourself whenever possible. This will give you more time to relax and rejuvenate, both of which are essential for healthy work-life harmony.

If something comes up that you can’t say no to, try to reschedule other commitments so you have more breathing room.

It’s also important to learn how to say no when people ask for your help. You don’t want to overextend yourself and end up burning out.

Take vacations

Take some time off every once in a while. You may think your business can’t afford to give you time off, but this is a mistake.

In fact, studies have shown that taking a vacation can increase productivity and creativity levels. If you neglect yourself too much by working all the time, work will suffer in quality as well as quantity.

In order to be successful, you have to take time for yourself and recharge. It’s not selfish; it’s self-care. So start planning those vacations now! You deserve them.

Even if it’s just a short weekend getaway, this will help rejuvenate your body and mind so that when you return to work on Monday morning (or whenever) you’ll feel refreshed — which means more productivity!

This might be the most important tip of all! If you’re not taking care of yourself, it’s going to be much harder to find harmony in your life.

As we conclude this section, I would like to introduce you to Justly, an app designed to assist you on your journey toward achieving balance and reaching your goals.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey toward harmonizing work, life, and personal growth, I invite you to explore Justly. Together, let us create a life filled with purpose, joy, and balance.

If you start adding some of these strategies to your personal and professional contexts, what difference do you think it will make a month from now? Which will you begin to implement today?

Remember, the key to unlocking your full potential lies within your grasp. Start today and let Justly be your guiding light on the path to success.

